LMR from less experienced girls who want to wait

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A Sticking Point or SP is an issue you CONSISTENTLY run into.

It is NOT a point where you get stuck with ONE SPECIFIC GIRL.

A Sticking Point is:
I keep getting LMR whenever I bring girls back to my place. This has happened at least 10 times already! What am I doing wrong?
A Sticking Point is NOT:
I got LMR with this one girl! What do I do?
If you have not already gone out and practiced enough to have a real Sticking Point from meeting an ABUNDANCE of women, YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO POST HERE.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 2:28 pm 
MPUA Forum Enthusiast

Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:35 am
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It's something I've always struggled with. I'm not talking about trying to get a ONS, but rather girls I've been on a few dates with. Specifically for this new chick I'm seeing: we've gone out 3 times. All three she blew me but wouldn't let me go any farther. She says she's only had sex with one guy (her ex) and never moves as fast as she is with me (I feel like I've heard this from 10 different girls). From my experience, girls are either really easy to give it up or incredibly difficult, no in between. How do you guys overcome this?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 8:23 am 
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Joined: Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:31 pm
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This is a tough one man, I feel you on that.

From my experience several things tend to help. There's no really one golden answer unfortunately just a few tricks to try and see what works with what girl

(###) Push and pull works really well here. I think there's like a term for it I just can remember. Basically you get her aroused and if she's denying you over and over just cut out. Stop touching her, kissing her. Just check facebook, set up music, do something that doesn't involve her. Or straight up say you're tired and go to bed. But then she'll be aroused and horny and will want more if you've done your job right. So she'll probably start kissing you again and once she starts on her own she might not be able to stop!

(###) Sometimes she just needs more time. it can be super frustrating to spend all the time and effort into turning her on getting super horny together and then have nothing happen out of it. But sometimes if you just wait til morning (or another date if you're willing), keep giving and demoing value, keep doing push and pull, all the earlier stages, she might just cave in eventually. I try not to be pushy just understanding and like "yeah baby we can go as slow as you need to/want to" kind of stuff. And then they melt "you're so amazing..." and they might just decide you're the one! :)

(###) Some girls might have pre conceived notions about sex that are holding them back. Like if she's a virgin she might still be waiting for that special someone and given most probable circumstances of how you guys met, you probably won't fit her bench mark of a knight in silver armor, and it's totally ok! What's cool though is that she might be willing to do something else. I once pulled a girl that was a virgin and she wouldn't put out but when I was like "would you be down to do something else, like oral?" she was all over that idea and actually gave me a decent blow job lol

hope that helped

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:12 am 
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Good post Volkov. Keep posting.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:29 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:18 pm
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Hey bro,

Yeah it can be incredibly frustrating to be dealing with this. I've dealt with it many times. At this point, it sounds like it's a pattern for you. The first question I ask, is, would you fuck yourself? Seriously, think of it from that girls point of view, would you find yourself attractive if you were in her shoes? And if not, then why? What do you need to work on? Seriously, it all starts with this shit, especially if it's a fucking pattern. You don't find yourself attractive, you wouldn't sleep with yourself, so why should they?

Secondly, as far as your technique goes, I sense a lot of hesitancy from you. I thread the line between a fucking cave man and a human in the modern 21st century... I'm aggressive as fuck while still making them feel safe. Like homeboy above me was saying, it can be a bit of a push and pull. Sometimes you'll fuck them quickly sometimes it can take a while, but either way, it's sort of a dance. You have to understand that while us men get turned on very quickly, for women, it can take a while, kind of like a nob on a light switch, where as we're more like an on and off switch. You have to ratchet it up. Women rarely are just ready to go, unless they're super horny or you're a celebrity. So knowing this, you work your way in her pussy by turning her on. It starts from the moment you see her. Being touchy, flirting, whispering in her ear, smelling her, a light pull on the hair, touching hands, holding hands (if you're crossing the street perfect moment), etc, don't wait till she's back at your place to begin turning her on. You'll find ways to incorporate these into the date as you get better. But you don't just go and grab her titties, you work your way into them. And if she gives you resistance, you back up a little, and then go back in. As long as she's still there and hasn't left, she wants some Dick. Always remember that. As long as she's still there, it's not a NO, but a no *right now*. So, just keep doing your thing and sooner or later it'll happen with one girl or another. But you have to be the leader and be the man.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 3:44 pm 
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It's something I've always struggled with. I'm not talking about trying to get a ONS, but rather girls I've been on a few dates with. Specifically for this new chick I'm seeing: we've gone out 3 times. All three she blew me but wouldn't let me go any farther. She says she's only had sex with one guy (her ex) and never moves as fast as she is with me (I feel like I've heard this from 10 different girls). From my experience, girls are either really easy to give it up or incredibly difficult, no in between. How do you guys overcome this?
Usually women only put up LMR when they get the feeling that you put value on their vaginas, and by sleeping with them you would somehow feel validated. You ever get LMR from a super average chick that you wouldn't want anyone to know that you had sex with? Probably not. Why? Because you don't attribute any value to them. They're not doing you any favors by sleeping with you. Hell they're value is usually so low that they feel valued being able to know that were able to get you to sleep with them. It's all frame control..When you have the "Take it or leave it" attitude the LMR experienced is little to none, unless a girl legit as only been with 0-3 guys over the past 5+ years or so.

Also, confidence in your sexual abilities makes this easier as well. When you know you can show a woman the time of her life, and aren't just banging her for your own personal gain that will also be sub-communicated. Everyones resistance to something being taken from them, but almost every one is open to the idea of receiving something.

Need Coaching? For 1 on 1 Coaching via SPAM, Phone or Instant Messenger - Email: EddieFews@Gmail.com

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