My Journey to Becoming the Icy Zen Master

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:50 am 
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Before I start posting field reports, I'll briefly introduce myself. I would consider myself, like most guys on here, a recovering AFC. I was always the shy kid that was bullied etc etc. We all know the story. Anywhom, I saw a Youtube video about 2 years ago where a guy would go around doing a magic card trick where he would kiss random girls and get the cards to seemingly switch places. I thought hey, that would be a cool little trick to learn and maybe that's how I could get some action with the ladies. An older co worker of mine later tried telling me about Mystery and the show Keys to the VIP. I brushed the stuff off and still clenched onto that AFC sniper mentality where I imagined that I would just happen to randomly meet that perfect girl who liked me for me and we would naturally fall for each other. Then I read The Game about a year ago and I was never the same since.

I inhaled every source of PUA instruction I could get my hands on; everything from old school NLP hypnosis to the newest RSD Julien video. I picked up my first serious lead from cold approach about 4 months ago. She was 5 years older than me, and going in I didn't think she would give me the time of day. I pulled her with the Mystery straw trick, and I ended up seeing her for about a month. I actually started to have feelings for her. Like clockwork, she went completely cold once these unrequited feelings became more evident.

After that I dove back into PUA with a passion and haven't slowed up since. I have been going out regularly since then, and I will post the several field reports I have taken the time to write up. I would consider myself entering a more intermediate level of PUA status. The truths of the game are becoming evident, and I am trying to adapt accordingly. For technical advice, I still draw from Mystery Method. For inner game and overall improvement, I draw from RSD, Derek Cajun, Mark Manson, literature, movies, and Buddhism.

I adopted the name Enso from my fascination with duality and eastern philosophy. I feel like through pursuing pickup and self improvement, one is exposed to the dueling natures and paradoxes that exist in the human condition. The best we can do is define our own values and pursue a righteous path that is ultimately carved out from overcoming failure. It is only through failure that I will become successful. Through becoming the best man possible, I will put myself in the best position to make connections with the women that I desire.

Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:54 am 
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Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:57 am 
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February 19th 2014


So me and my wing went to Old Town Scottsdale to game. From past experiences we dislike Old Town, but we gave it a shot. As per usual, we started running into dead sets and bitchy blondes. (No surprise).

After getting some soft blowouts and flakes, I felt the Mystery Method in me getting pulled out and decided that if I'm gonna get blown out might as well not be afraid to throw some negs and get my hands dirty.

I was doing pretty well with a 3 set. I had the friend interested and number closed her. Then I started talking to the other friends who were both clearly tipsy. I made a remark about how it was weird they were Canadian and they put up a shit test and said "I was done talking to them" and one of them turned her back up against me. I was a little tipsy myself, and pretty tired of getting these stuck up chicks blowing me out.

My brain pulled out that move Mystery and his wing Matador would do where they would get the girl hooked and then say "now get off me" and shove them hard. So I gently shoved the girl off me and that's where things went spiraling out of control. The chick was perfectly fine but I think the combination of her being in heels and drunk made her go off.


This was probably my first actual blowout that went personal. It wasn't even that bad considering what I did was poorly calibrated. They even said that I was good until that little shove. This blowout and the overall vibe of Scottsdale has pushed me to want to revamp my game though. I am definitely becoming a little burned out on night game and I feel that negative mindset creeping in.

I have to acknowledge the fact that I am the only constant in the arena that is the game. I have to practice drawing state from within and not externally.

I have to have righteous intentions going into every interaction. I think that instead of going out and "trying to pull as hard as possible", I should go out and try to meet as many interesting people as possible. I shouldn't be trying to build the list. If I happen to make romantic connections along the way, it's just a plus.

Stop having a losing mentality. It is hard to be completely outcome independent. I have found that abundance is definitely the best medicine for neediness and outcome dependence. I also think I should open sets with the subtext that I am trying to determine if they are people worth having in my social circle. If they ultimately aren't, then I politely eject.

Practice magic to become better at it and because it's fun. Never use it as a tool to pull. Perform magic on chicks that I would never sleep with.

Instead of trying to be the best PUA try to become the most popular social guy on Mill.

If I have followed these mentalities and feel myself wanting to pursue a particular girl, then be congruent with what I want and see if there is romantic chemistry. If there isn't, then it is a matter of incompatibility and not performance. This goes along with what Manson ascribes to with vulnerability and putting the true self out there. If you are being the best person you can be and get "rejected", it isn't rejection but simply a matter of incompatibility at that time.

I also think I have been overcompensating due to a childhood of social insecurities. I will do anything at this point to not do something that would be "beta" or "AFC". I think I need to go back to Mark Manson's anti game philosophies and not worry so much about coming off as AFC. I find myself starting to throw negs where I probably didn't have to. I am preemptively attacking sets to avoid the rejection I'm about to get. I'm forgetting that negs should be used as playful insults when the set is attempting to assume a position of higher value.

I also have been using negs in responses to shit tests. The way to handle a shit test is to not validate it and continue trying to have an honest conversation. All I can do in set is control what I do and if I am being congruent and going in with good intentions, then whatever negative feedback I get is on them and I should just turn my back on that unnecessary drama.

Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:00 pm 
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Nice! I can't wait to read more of your stuff! I think everyone has a little something to offer and we can all learn from eachother! 8)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:41 am 
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February 23rd 2014
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you
-Friedrich Nietzsche

I have been in the PUA lifestyle for about 6 months now. I have been going out almost 4 days a week for the past month or two. In the past 2 months since I've been gaming with a wing, I have gotten 9 makeouts, 2 same night pulls, a jumbled mess of numbers, and countless blowouts. I delete numbers that flake, so it is impossible for me to estimate how many number closes I've had. My wing on the other hand does not delete flakes, and he has around 100 numbers from the past few months. I would say I've gotten maybe 30 or 40 numbers in the past two months. Out of all of the girls I've met, I felt a romantic pull to maybe 4 of them. Out of those 4, the most investment I got was from one of the girls who dated me consistently for a month before going cold. This was from one of my earliest approaches. The most investment my wing has received was from his ex gf who dated him for some time. If you combine our total number of girls we have interacted with (all night approaches besides 2 daytime approaches I pulled) you would probably have around 200 girls that all have two things in common...we met them at night and they all eventually flaked on us.

Last night was the flake that broke the camel's back. Debbie Downer.
I had been getting jaded on night game. Chicks would flake, I wouldn't be that interested in them, etc. From all the grinding I have put in, I feel like I am not getting what I want in return. I met this chick last Sunday. She had the look that fit my type. I opened her, built rapport, and number closed. She was freshly 21, and had only been to Mill several times before. I started to think that maybe this one is different.

She was with her friends so I couldn't escalate. When the bar closed I tried to pull her with the old after party line but she said it sounded like I wanted a booty call. I told her I don't do booty calls. She ended up texting me the next morning asking how my afterparty went and we had a little back and forth banter. I tried to set up a day 2 but she said she was busy everyday besides Thursday. Thursday she was going out for her friend's 21st b-day and she invited me to come out. It wouldn't be 1 on 1 like I would prefer but I told her I would try and come out.

So Thursday rolled around and I met her up. She was with her friends (some were guy friends and relatives). I had a feeling they were hating on me being there. She was receptive to me though and I picked up on some positive girl talk signals being passed between her and her friend. I hung out with her for the night and when the bar closed she had to leave with her friends. I ended up k closing before she went.

She asked if I would be out again this weekend and we agreed to meet up. That Friday night, I was at the same bar that we had been meeting at. I was actually in a random 2 set when I saw her with the same group of friends. I shot her a text saying "I thought what we had was special". I was leery that she didn't text me to say that she was out. Had I known she would turn into a flake I would have made out with the chick who was buying me free drinks in front of her bitchass...but I digress.

She responded with "Sorry I saw you with your friends and didn't want to interrupt". Fair enough. The bar was packed and we played phone tag trying to find where to meet up. I eventually told her to meet at a different bar and that we would have our first date. She agreed to text me when she got there. I scoped out the back of the bar I was originally at about 30 minutes prior to closing time to see if she was still there. Lo and behold she was with her group of friends on the patio. I then realized my adorable little oneitis case was yet another resident of Flakeville (population ~200).

Ten minutes prior to closing time I shot her a text. "That's cool. We had a good run".
DD (Debbie downer): So its done is what your saying?
Me: Yeahh I got too many options to get stood up
DD: Wow OK so I'm guessing your good you dnt need me
Me: I was willing to come 50% and meet up but you gave me 0%. I was a little disappointed but it's cool. I could always use more friends!
DD: Haha I can still meet up for 50/50 lol
Me: You owe me 100% now
DD: U know I'm drunk lol at (bar she was at) I drank a lot
Me: Come meet up with me. Last chance.
DD: Last chance but I'm drunk at (same bar) come over here lol I'm sorry
Me: Fine

So I meet up with her and her friends outside the bar. She has some dude's arm around her.
Oh no...I've seen this movie before.
I made small talk with the group and then DD staggered away with one of the girl friends and they started talking. Things didn't seem quite right. I ended up crashing their pow wow and isolated DD. She went on about how drunk she was and I made small talk while I hugged her. I then playfully called her out about how she ditched me and I don't like flakes. She wouldn't own up to it and just kept saying she was drunk. I tried to go for the pull but she said she had to get home. Her friend ended up dragging her off.

DD: Sorry they made me leave
Me: Dead to me chica
DD: WTF are you serious I wanted to come I promise you
Me: I wanna believe you cuz you were a cutie. I'm not like other guys who will get jerked around.
DD: Drunk gibberish
Me: Pound some water and go to sleep. If you wanna hang out with me its on you now. Good night.
DD: You don't wanna hang out with me? I'm sorry I drank too much I'm with my best friends
Me: Hang out with me tomorrow night. Me and you at (my favorite bar) Last chance.
DD: Last chance?
Me: Yeah.
DD: What?! Ok well I'll see you tomorrow for sure.

You can probably guess the ending of how night 3 goes but I'll walk you through it anyway since I've come this far.

Saturday night.
Me: Looking forward to seeing you.
DD: See ya there
DD: Just got here
Me: I'm at (fav bar)
Radio silence. I text her 30 minutes until closing time. At this point I've committed to go for broke because this is strike 3.
Me: Your making me chase and I hate that shit. You gonna meet me up?

No response and its 2am. I call her and she answers. I tell her where I am and she says she's across the street. I walk over to her.

She's with the same posse. I initially make small talk with the friend and I ignore her bitchass. We are all having a casual conversation and ignore the elephant in the room. Then her friend says something like you should have met up with us. Waitwut.

I was like well maybe I should get your number because you will actually respond. She says something along the lines of whoa I can't let you do that to DD.

I tell her I tried texting DD five times but she blew me off. DD says she didn't have her phone. At this point things are awkward and I am at a loss.

Her friends start to leave and I have the 5 second 1 on 1 time that she had been giving me for the past 3 meetings. I told her that there is nothing I hate more than a flake and that girls like her used to drive me crazy. She took that last line and rode with it repeating "So I'm just like other girls huh?".

This is where that last thread of respect I had for women starts to unravel.

The rest of the night I basically try to tell a flake that she is being a flake. She simultaneously refuses to reject me but also doesn't admit to not trying to work with me. It is a mindfuck that I've never quite experienced. These are the last texts after a series of phone calls and her saying she would call me back and then flaking. I'm gonna put a disclaimer on my AFC behavior at this point. Again I'm playing the game at this point knowing that it is a lost cause.

Me: I like you. That's how I feel. I'm trying to get to know you the best I can. If you honestly feel the same way then work with me. If not that's cool I'll move on.
DD: Ok your trying to get to know me cool same here...I'm drunk every time you see me so if I'm a flake I honestly can't control it lol but telling me I'm like every girl and you had so many girls hollering then go for it I'm not gonna stop you but you want to get me let's be friends for now and chill and get to know each other.

Last text I sent as of last night.
Me: I have other girls that are interested but I wanted to see you. I've gone down this road before I've dealt with girls that fucked around with me. Just have the decency of saying you're not interested if your not.

No response as of now.

This was less of a structured field report and more of an angsty diary entry straight out of a teenage girls closet. I really started to question game that night though. I feel like the game is starting to game me. I'm not getting the results that I want from the amount that I put in. My wing and I have been grinding hard for the past few months. He has a scorched earth policy and will burn every set to the ground. He will go for the pull that night no matter what. I on the other hand have been playing it more conservative. Essentially I would say that I go in with the "nice guy frame" and he goes in giving minimal fucks. The results have ultimately been the same. The chick will flake out on a long enough timeline. Meanwhile we watch fucking losers with nothing going for them bring their hot girlfriends to the club while we are running around getting a flaky makeout for every 5 or so rejections.

So I am left it possible to find anything meaningful in the night life? Is trying to find a "quality girl" and having her commit to you a fools errand? Am I putting to much time in game and not trying to somehow build social circles? Should I next Debbie Downer or leave the door open in the 1% chance that i turn it around?

Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:08 am 
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February 24th 2014

Went out last night with VP and Guru. After going to Mill for several days straight, we decided Old Town would be a good change of pace. Me and VP went into Dos first but it was a ghost town. There was literally one set there sitting at the bar. We contemplated opening but they left. Then Guru showed up and told us how he number closed the set as he was walking in.

After Dos we bounced to LP. We got settled in and again, the pickings were slim. Then there appeared a 3 set at the bar. Aw shit. Time to open. We waited for several minutes until me and VP opened the set. Guru hung back to watch the approach.

These chicks were hardcore. (At least my girl was). Tattoos and piercings galore. I was actually nervous after the open. I wasn't sure how old she was, but she looked like a more punked out version of a girl I used to date. I don't feel as confident around older women...especially after I botched the relationship I had with the last girl I saw that was older.

So I went into interview mode and used the tattoos to build rapport. In hindsight this was a painfully rookie approach. Guru rolls up and engages the last girl in the set. I feel myself running out of gas and go for the number close. I look over and Guru is k-closing his chick.
That was fast.

At this point I realize that this wasn't going to be a quick hit and run approach like me and VP usually pull. These chicks were actually invested. I hit a wall and couldn't add anything more to the interaction. Meanwhile Guru was running shit without a single cough of hesitation. When we closed out and were ready to leave, Guru k closed and VP followed suit. My chick probably felt left out but I felt like I would have had to force the k close at that point.

Guru ended up bailing on his chick cuz he wasn't feeling her. The other two chicks hit us up at the end of the night and we went back to their place. VP ended up getting it in and I let things go cold with my girl.

Guru was running things behind the scene on this set and gathered feedback from the set. The feedback I received was that the chick I was talking to was willing to f-close, but knew I wasn't confident on the approach. She told him straight up that he needs to make me become like him.

I went full interview mode and asked about her tattoos. I think I am going to make it a rule that I can never use tattoos as a rapport's too obvious of a topic that every guy is going to ask about. My heart definitely wasn't invested in the set, but I was definitely too nervous about letting it fail. I let myself get intimidated and I didn't truly believe I had the situation on lock going in.

Game Revamp
Go in completely uninhibited

Play the game purely for my own enjoyment

My frame is the only frame that exists. At the end of the day I am the only thing that matters.

Create my own reality and be completely comfortable with myself...if I believe that I am the Icy Zen Master then fuck everyone else's perspective. If they disagree they are simply wrong.

There will be a period of time where I will feel like I am "not being myself". This is because I won't be acting like my current self...I'll be acting like the man I ultimately want to become

Game everyone. If they interest me then I will choose to bring them into my reality.

Embrace the rejection. Laugh and learn. Learning from my weakest moments and tightening my game will mold me into the Zen Master.

Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 2:48 am 
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February 29th

Went out last night for some night game and did daygame today. I'm on a course of antibiotics right now so I'm forcing myself to do strict sober game. Last night I got 1 number from cold approach and 1 number from social circle game. I tried to K-close with the french goodbye but she cheeked it. She hasn't responded yet so I'm thinking flake on that one.

After last night (and many similar nights) I found myself pining for an alternative to the night life...daygame. I start a new job this Monday, and I have set a goal to get 15 number closes before then. I gotta squeeze in as much game as possible before I start the 9-5 life. I went to ASU today and did 3 total approaches. I # closed 2 of them. I actually ran into a guy we met last night who is unofficial student to game. I guess he hangs out with some PUA's around Mill and is wanting to get better. He looks like a classic AFC newbie, but the guy is smart and has courage. I did some approaches with him before going home.

Daygame is the the only sane way to game. Period. The pros of daygame vastly outnumber the pros of nightgame. There are only two flaws to daygame imo...finding sets and not having the courage to approach. The latter can be overcome, so it just comes down to scoping out sets when they are in the vicinity. The approaches today were simple. I went up to the girl, started a conversation, and then got an excuse to get her number. That's it. Save the heavy lifting for day 2's.

I did hit some sticking points with two of the approaches. The first girl I opened was pretty introverted. I wasn't really able to hit a hook point where the convo was 50/50. I decided not to # close and just chalked it up as an altruistic compliment. I wasn't sure how to push through that wall without continuing in interview mode.

The second girl I opened was in the library. I saw her duck in there to check out some books. I pretended like I was looking for a book next to her. Then I asked if she could help me find a particular book. She was a little bewildered at first. I asked if they had a book called "Curious George". I was a little nervous because it was dead silent and if this didn't go over well I felt like I was gonna be judged. (Limiting belief) I got a laugh out of her though and was able to get her into conversation. I told her I wasn't really looking for Curious George and I just thought she was cute and wanted to talk to her. Then I asked her what book she was looking for and told her that nobody actually reads books anymore since the internet was invented. I eventually said I had to meet my brother but I should get her number and have her tell me how her report goes.

The second girl I # closed was at the MU having lunch. I was with the newbie guy from last night and wanted to show him some approaches. It definitely motivates me to have spectators. I went up to her and opened with "Sorry can I tell you something? I just saw you and thought you looked cute". There's always that second where the chick has to absorb and accept that I said that. After that little fleeting moment of awkwardness, I just jump into casual conversation. I saw a psychology book on the table and started talking about that. This girl made the approach a lot easier than the very first girl.

After these approaches I would say my base formula for approaching went like this:

If there is something compelling in the environment then go situational. If I have nothing to go off of, simply say "This is random but I thought you were cute and wanted to get to know you".

Build rapport off of why she is there or what she is doing. Make assumptions about her ("You look like you workout". "You look like you read a lot".) Something I should have done better would have been planting the seed to why we should go out on date sometime. Try to establish a mutual interest or activity to lead into the close.

I would eventually hit a point where the girl is like "Okay random stranger, what's your endgame here?" When I started to get that vibe, I would establish a time constraint (Hey I gotta meet my brother, I should get your number though so we can do <mutual interest that I discovered> sometime"

Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:28 am 
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February 3rd

Alright I'm about to bust this field report out fast because I'm super tired. So I tried to pull 15 number closes this weekend. I managed six. I didn't hit the goal but the conditions weren't stellar for it. It rained pretty bad the past couple of days and tonight was completely dead. Setting the goal did pull me in the right direction, and that's what matters at the end of the day.

I've been trying to K-close with V.P.'s "french goodbye" trick. I ended up kissing a bunch of cheeks and they wouldn't go for the lips on the last peck. I'm either not doing a good job leading up to the close or I'm not being solid enough on the move itself.

We ended up rolling with a dude who was pretty well versed in RSD. He seemed like a smart dude but he was fucking hammered the whole time. That shit got annoying. The more I game, the more I start to lean towards pure sober day game. I'm trying to put alcohol on the back burner because it's more of a vice than a virtue. I want to get to a point where my game is more solid sober than when I'm drunk. Anyway, the dude did have one particular insight that I found particularly compelling. He was opening girls left and right, even though they were not the least bit interesting. He stopped to have a smoke and started talking about his philosophy towards game with us. He said that the way he says it, he has to conduct a ton of interviews to find the best girl for him. If girls want to fuck and have a good time then he will fuck them. We spotted a set of fat chicks and he was like, "Good for them. People are just out to have a good time." The dude's heart was in the right place and I would have liked him if he wasn't a borderline alcoholic.

After finding Mill to be deserted tonight, I got a text from the girl I day 2'd a few nights ago. This girl is my warmest lead and one of the better options. The text read:
Her: I forgot to tell you yesterday but you're insanely attractive. I hope you realize. Lol.

Now at first I was pretty jazzed. I got that little endorphin spike. But then I started to analyze. How should I play this? Do I act nonchalant and humble? Should I be arrogant? Should I text her back right away or make her wait it out to appear high value?

I asked the wingman V.P. (member139869.html) and his response was to pull. Get her on another date immediately and close.

His philosophy is to be cut throat as possible and let the chips fall as they may. I, on the other hand, am more conservative. I still haven't let go to that extent. I was horribly afraid that being too direct and aggressive would cause me to lose her. He asked me what I wanted out of this girl and I told him I wanted commitment and her to fall in love with me. His reply was the same..."then pull". It makes sense. The best way to get commitment is to go for the lay asap and then let the girl vie for a relationship. So my plan tomorrow is to try to pull...or die trying.

Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:43 am 
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March 3rd

Started the new 9-5 desk job today. I'm gonna try to incorporate some of the social aspects of game in the workplace. Get my networking on point.

I was nervous about how I was gonna play the day 3 that was lined up for tonight. Do I try to pull? Where do I pull (we both live at home)? Will she respect me less if I go for the pull on the third date?

I shot her a text two hours prior to the agreed upon time of meeting asking if she was still down. Five minutes till, she texts me saying she pinched a nerve at work so she had to go to the doctor and her phone died. It seemed too oddly specific to be a lie, but my flake guard is always on high alert. I text her back.

Me: Ouchh that sounds painful. Well when you recover you'll have to hit me up.

She expanded a little more on the story and said that she would hit me up. My "when to f-close" debate will have to be settled another day. I ended up setting up a coffee date with a girl I met from night game last week. Hopefully this will get me in a more abundant mentality because I already feel myself starting to chase again.

Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:21 am 
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March 5th

It's been about 4 days since I've run official game...I'm starting to feel clammy. It feels good to be working again though and I think I'm gonna actually like my telemarketing job. I'm deadset on banging out as much money as possible, and becoming completely immune to the sting of rejection. Cold call selling and cold approach pickup are nearly identical in process...the end objective is just slightly different. The heart of sales and almost anything you want to accomplish boils down to confidence, determination, and the willingness to embrace failure. You gotta let that shit enfold you.

As a sidenote: My job is prime real estate for HB's. I don't wanna shit where I eat, but I want to be known as a low key player and get some buzz going around the office. Christian Bale's character in American Psycho has become my new spirit animal.

In other news, I started my first improv class today, I sent out my first mass flake text, and I have a day 2 lined up tomorrow night. If you have never taken any type of acting class, I highly suggest you do so. It is incredibly helpful in letting go of your ego and connecting with people on an emotional level. I got more responses from my flakes than I thought I would, and it goes to show that you might as well go for broke when it comes to pretty much everything in life. If you ever find yourself being held back from action because you are afraid of "reputation", immediately say nah fuck that and proceed. Life is too short for reputation.

I've worried about that shit for my whole life. I've played it safe thinking that if I lay low and keep everyone around me happy, they would in turn be nice to me. I'm trying to embrace a new paradigm.


Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:26 am 
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[quote="xEnsox"]February 3rd

He asked me what I wanted out of this girl and I told him I wanted commitment and her to fall in love with me.

Little BITCH.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:27 am 
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March 5th

In other news, I started my first improv class today, I sent out my first mass flake text, and I have a day 2 lined up tomorrow night. If you have never taken any type of acting class, I highly suggest you do so. It is incredibly helpful in letting go of your ego and connecting with people on an emotional level. I got more responses from my flakes than I thought I would, and it goes to show that you might as well go for broke when it comes to pretty much everything in life. If you ever find yourself being held back from action because you are afraid of "reputation", immediately say nah fuck that and proceed. Life is too short for reputation.

I've worried about that shit for my whole life. I've played it safe thinking that if I lay low and keep everyone around me happy, they would in turn be nice to me. I'm trying to embrace a new paradigm.

Haha. No, seriously, this is solid right here. Fuck caring about anything. Once you realize that literally nothing matters, you have such an advantage on game and life in general.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:13 am 
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March 8th

Went out to Downtown last night. Met up with VP and Guru (member151038.html). There was an art walk going on and a ton of people. We dove into one of the bars to get some drinks. Every chick working the bar was fucking helpless and it took me at least 30 minutes to get a drink. They were eating into game time. Meanwhile Guru and VP crashed a two set. VP was able to # close and K close. The chick was actually pretty hot...good job VP. I spotted a two set outside. Maybe HB 6's. So aesthetically they weren't my type, but I didn't want to sit in the corner while the wings spat game. One of the chick's turned out to be pretty cool. She was into film production and I told her we should collaborate sometime. Got the # and we bounced.

Then we went to a different bar that was packed. These two chicks in line opened us. Not the hottest, but I was a little buzzed and my threshold for fuck-giving was low. So we ran with that set until VP's chick turned him down for the k-close. I asked my chick where she went to high school and it turns out she went to the same school my mom went to. I told her they were probably in the same graduating class. She laughed like the cougar she was. I k-closed/# closed for the hell of it and bounced. I guess VP later told me she was thirty something.

Getting back into the groove of things and being able to drink again helps a ton. I know that it's a crutch, but alcohol does amazing things when it comes to fear. Gearing up for some night game tonight and going hard during the day tomorrow. I'm gonna try to get some footage of our daytime game for the first time.

If anybody reads this get excited cuz we are gonna release some real cool shit in the future. The game will be transformed.

Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:26 am 
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March 9th

Last night was a good night. I feel like I've got my mojo back. The fact I'm drinking again definitely plays a part in it, but for night game it's hard not to. One day I'll try to hit that level of 100% pure uninhibited sober game.

Me and VP met up with some of my friends. Most of them are naturals, but I have one friend who got into the earlier PUA stuff and was one of the first guys to introduce me to game (I'll refer to him as AC). Anyway, we all mobbed out towards the first club. AC said that if we pull some chicks to roll with us, he would hook up bottle service at the next club. Rolling up to a club with 5 guys never looks good. So our work was cut out for us. They knew the security at the first club, so we were able to jump the line and get in asap.

Once we got in we got to work. We split up in pairs and scoped out sets. I found almost no sets. VP and AC opened a few. We were about to cut our losses and bounce to the next club for bottle service. I walked out to the patio which is adjacent to where the line to get in wraps around. Boom 2 set 12 o clock. I took a straight angle to them without a single hesitation. I had only one objective...pull.

I got to the railing and introduced myself.
"Hi welcome to the club. I'm the owner".
I went to shake her hand. She laughed skeptically.
"What you don't believe me?" I didn't let go of her hand and introduced myself to the friend. VP rolled up and took on the friend while I talked to girl #1.
I told the girl to hop the fence. She wouldn't do it. I told her don't be scared if you get in trouble I'll take the heat. She still wouldn't do it. So I told her fine come with us to bar #2...we have bottle service. She put up some token resistance.
Look, you can wait in line to get hit on by guys that are nowhere as amazing as us. Or you can come get bottle service at bar #2. Your choice.
She turned to the friend and they agreed.

So we pulled them to bar #2. I made some light rapport on the way and asked the chick what her astrological sign was. Chicks love that mystical shit. I tried to pull passing sets on the way. I asked one group where they were heading and the PR Rep from Bitchy HB's Inc wittily replied "Not with you". Well played HB 6.

Once we got to bar #2 I occupied the set we pulled while they ordered drinks. The bottle service wasn't ready yet and I understood that these chicks didn't have enough investment to stick around cuz I happened to be a swell lad. Come for the bottles, stay for my mad game.

All of a sudden, a challenger appears. Literally across the room, sits a single, sleazy looking dude. Receding hair and wearing a blazer. He was sitting in a reserved booth. The moment we let the set go solo they bounced across to the competition (I wasn't sure how it was even a competition...the dude looked like this ... .jpg?w=450. (*sidenote...if you are ugly and reading this consider my personal anecdote to be uplifting. The dude get's out pulled in the end but I tip my hat to him for almost robbing me)

The chicks could have gone any which way at this point. Its times like these where you think back to the dating advice that was ingrained into you as a kid. "Just be yourself. That's all you need to make girls like you". The individuals who believe this have never and will never pull a 2 set from a competing AMOG. I'll revisit the "be yourself" topic later though.

So I was about to watch my highlight reel pull convert to busted ass obstacle number 1.

I spotted this out to VP. The chicks left busted homie to dance with each other. There was our window.

We immediately and literally pulled them to our side of the club which now was complete with two bottles. We didn't offer them any though...yet. We brought them over and started building some more rapport. VP already blew out with his chick. I felt the interaction with my chick starting to go cold. The wing smelled it. He told me to K close. I couldn't do it. Maybe it was that I was almost sober. Maybe its cuz busted homie got in my head. Maybe I was just being a lil bitch. VP comes in and starts spitting game on her. At this point I'm not quite in ear shot, but the gist is that he's just straight out telling the chick to makeout with me.

After this semblance of winging, I immediately knew what he was doing. He was committing the robbery. This mother fucker! I couldn't be mad though. Game is game. We at least have the mutual respect to come out and say that we will attempt to out pull anyone...including each other.

His chick was sitting by herself at this point now that her friend was occupied by the dirty animal himself (He has grown to embrace this title...seems fitting).

My next course of action required no thought. Pull the friend at any cost.

So I went over to the friend.
"Sorry I haven't met you yet. What's your name?"
I make simple conversation and ask her dance. From there I just ramped things up. At one point she said that she knew she was option number 2. I laughed. We kept dancing and making out commenced. After that we took a break and sat down

Enter obstacles 2 and 3. These homies come up to the girls and hug them. By the way they opened them it appears they are old friends. VP actually knows the guys. I ask VP what the deal is with these jokers. He says he used to tutor them and that they have no game. I guess VP's chick (my former chick) has been texted one of them the whole time. We pull the chicks back onto the dance floor and business resumes.

After the bar closes we bounce them back to a friend of mine's house. The only resistance they really put up is that we have to drive them back to their car after. I pinky swore (chick's love pinky swears).

Anyway, I'll wrap this up. We get back to my friend's place and try to get the girls to drink with us. Apparently they are already hammered and aren't down for that. Homie who owns the place barges in drunk as fuck and pelts his own wall with his recently purchased hamburger from Jack in the Box.

Let's call him obstacle number 4.

However, for some reason he does everything he can to make sure VP gets it in. The fucker blew up an air mattress by mouth and gives them a room. Then he comes over to me and my girl. He says I'm a great guy. Thanks AC. But then he says I'm a huge pussy and stumbles into his room. Then a different homie barges in with a Jack in the Box bag in hand. He immediately removes his shirt.

"Yo PJ. Wtf is going on? Aaron just tossed his hamburger against the wall!"
PJ then proceeds to take out one of his burgers and tosses it at the wall as well for good measure. He then chugs 3/4 of a bottle of Nyquil.

I tell my chick that we are going for a walk and I pull her into the backyard. I literally hide from everybody in the house at this point because everything in my environment is a cockblock. Long story short I finger her poolside and set up a day 2.

You can't be a by-product of the world around you. This is what is meant when top PUA's give the advice to be "non reactive". What they mean by this is that you have to strive to get to a point where the world reacts to you...not the other way around. If you want too look for some role models that exude this trait, there's Tyler Durden (PUA), Julien (PUA), and Jason Capital (PUA). Fictional characters include Tyler Durden from Fight Club, Don Draper from Mad Men, and Jacob Palmer from Crazy Stupid Love.

At the end of the day, the only person you truly have to answer to is yourself. I have made a lot of improvement, but I still struggle a lot with this. I will cave to other people's desires and put myself second. I am trying to reshape my habits and alter my behavior.

I'll keep you posted.

Game doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:07 am 
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March 13th

Went out with VP for some daygame. Trying to get better at it because I know that's where the best game lies. We opened a 3 set walking by. They were all 18. Pretty young. The light turned and they started walking. We let them walk. I saw a girl sitting on a bench by herself. She wasn't that hot, but I wanted to at least get some reps in. I opened by saying we were boot buddies (we were both wearing boots). From there I just got her into casual conversation. I was gonna get the number, but her bus came. She was trying to give it to me but the bus driver was about to leave. I let the poor chick go...I didn't want her to miss the bus for some guy that is gonna flake on her.

After that we went to an outside mall nearby. We decided to run some clerk game. We dove into a girls clothing store because there was a cutie behind the register. She approached me and I told her I was shopping for my sister. She asked me all these questions and I made shit up on the spot. I used my dog's name for my fake sister's first name. She had to help some other customers so I pretended to browse around. I had to get another window of opportunity so I grabbed something and had her ring me up. When she was ringing me up she asked what I was up to tonight. Good. I told her we were having a party tomorrow night and she should come. She said her friends might be throwing a party. I said no come to our party instead. She asked me to swipe my credit card. I asked her if I could return the earrings if my sister didn't like them, and she said they could only be exchanged. Shit. I wasn't about to spend money on earrings for a fake sister. I told the clerk that if I guess her name in two tries, then she has to come to the party. She agreed. I happened to see what her name was on the computer monitor earlier. I guessed Stacy first knowing it was the wrong name. Then I guessed her real name. She didn't act all that amazed, so I'm pretty sure she knew how I figured it out. Regardless she was feeling me. She asked me to swipe my card again (the register timed out) and I was like...
"What if I told you I don't actually have a sister. I just wanted to get your number."
She laughed and ended up writing her number on a piece of paper.

It wasn't the smoothest pick up. I'll admit. I got the job done in the end though.

After that V.P. dove into a different clothing store and approached the clerk. He went direct and said that he happened to see her while he was walking by and thought she was cute. She ended up writing her number on a piece of paper as well.

Night game wasn't anywhere as satisfying. We ended up getting two numbers a piece with a dose of the usual b.s. that comes with bars and clubs. I feel like it was bad karma or something.

Me and V.P. also tried to organize a "flake party" where we send a mass text to all the flakes we have in our phone inviting them to a party we would throw. We hit up a total of a 150 girls. We got about 10 responses and maybe 2 that were interested. That is a .01% success rate. It was a little disheartening to say the least...even if they were all flakes.

I'm definitely getting tired of night game. I'm starting to see unhealthy aspects of gaming as frequently as I have been. My family thinks I'm out of my mind. I've had more success with woman than I've ever had and I've accomplished things I never thought I could. That being said, I still don't feel all that fulfilled. I need regain some balance and re-evaluate my goals.

Something that hit me was Jason Capital's Cool Guy Mindset vs. The PUA Mindset.

The PUA Mindset perpetuates game for validation. Go out and get 20 phone numbers just to show yourself you can. This is alright as a newbie, but it gets old.

The Cool Guy Mindset relies on self validation. You move through life accomplishing personal goals and seeking your mission and when you find girls that interest you along your path, you have the tools and strategies to know how to attract her. You approach when you want to. Even if you learn how to project "non-neediness", you are still trying to fill a void.

I've justified my relentless pursuit for seduction by treating girls as just another hobby. People try to fill the void with all sorts of things. I just happened to have chose PUA. I've been fighting demons that have plagued me since childhood and I wanted to get back at the metaphorical bully that is life.

At this point, I've played the numbers side of things. I've put myself out there. I've accepted failure and blowouts. I can embrace going against the social order for my own personal pursuits.

Yet, true emotional connection still eludes me. Before I got into PUA, I never wanted a thousand lays. I never wanted to be the next Mystery. I just wanted another girlfriend. As I have gotten involved in PUA, I have realized that emotional connection trumps the numbers. I have also come to terms with the fact that a girlfriend isn't going to make me happy. Self-actualization and self-improvement is the closest thing to happiness that I think exists in this life.

Welp, gotta go. Trying to set up a day 2 with the clerk chick I met yesterday.

Game doesn't exist.

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