Abnormal, the lifestyle story

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:39 pm 
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Posts: 28
Abnormal, the lifestyle story.

Our investment in ‘self’ shows. Truth. For me, this was pretty much all I knew on the subject of lifestyle. “Invest more in yourself.” “Care about what you spent your time doing.” Great stuff but to me it always felt like half of the lifestyle challenge, like there is something deeper. Something that’s hidden. Last night, the other half hit me:

I saw the normal man. The man with the normal job, who went to the normal school and followed the normal classes. Who wears the normal clothing, talks the normal talk, walks the normal walk.  John Doe, Mr. Normal.

John D. scared the fuck out of me. This man was everything I would never want to be. And he tells a simple  truth: “normal has a (very) strong gravitational pull, if unchallenged we drift towards it.”

Fighting the gravitational pull is tiresome, and not always necessary. Sometimes it’s ok to follow the format.  To much fighting can even be unattractive, like someone is unaware of the social norm, embarrassing himself . He might even seem unpredictable, or dangerous.

But surrendering to the pull.. Simply giving your beautiful unique self to the collective grey mass, being absorbed by the giant pile of bulging slime for it to fuel on your being to create an even greater gravitational pull. Wasting not only your own life but leaving the world little bit worse in the process. ..that’s regretful.

So being normal is quite a shame. Simply because you rob the world (and all the pretty ladies) of meeting an interesting man who can make life a bit better (or at least more interesting).

By taking care in what you spend your time doing, you’re one big step away from the scary slimy monster. But to fully eliminate the gravitational pull, you need a plan of attack!

Strengths, weaknesses and the fight.
Know thy self! More specifically, know what makes you abnormal! These are the things that set you apart from everyone else. These are things that make you unique, these things are attractive by their nature. Remember Mr. Doe? Compare yourself to his outline, everything that doesn’t fit in his shape is what makes you abnormal. Simple.

You work in a food truck. Does John D.? No. So that makes you abnormal.
You’re the nr.1 Paladin on Sylvannas. Is John D.? No. :Abnormal.
You work out a lot and are in great shape. John D.? No. :Abnormal.

Now that you’ve compared your shape to Mr. Normal’s and found out everything that doesn’t fit, it’s time to take a look at the things that do. What do you do, that Mr. Normal does too?

Got a normal (boring) office job? So does Mr. Normal.
Spent your free time watching TV? So does Mr. normal.
ALMOST do a lot of things but hardly DO anything? You’ve guessed it; so does Mr. Normal

Now I want you to know that, just because you do something John does, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. But you NEED to be aware of what you are doing. Normal is sneaky, it’s slimy tentacles silently strike when you’re unguarded. It knows that you will decide away from normal, so it tries to seduce you with comfort, clouding the fact that you are actually making a lifestyle decision. Which leads us to the last part, the fight!

Think about the things you do that fit the “normal” criteria. Fat chance that you don’t really recall when you decided that that’s what you want to spent your time doing, “it just sorta.. happened. “ It’s ok, you’re going to decide now. Take all of these normal habits and evaluate. Habit for habit. Ask yourself “Is this what I want?” Really think about it, it’s more important then it might seem.  For some habits your going to be ok with “normal” and that’s ok, you’ve made the conscious decision to make this habit a part of your lifestyle. The simple act of deciding took the gravitational power of ‘normal’ away. Good for you!

And then there’s habits you’ll look at and think “how the hell did this happen..” These are the big ones, that’s where the fight’s at.. The big grey blub won these fights because these are unguarded habits. That’s where you’re easily seduced. This could be because of all kinds of reasons. It could be as simple as being unaware you had a choice, or as complex as a childhood trauma. These are the roots of the problem, I cannot help you with those. There’s a big chance you’ll need professional help to unfuck those emotional knots. What I can do, however, is help you fight the habits. How? With a well coordinated plan of attack of course.

Write a story. First, tell me about this habit, keep it simple. Then, tell me about your desired habit. Create a clear picture of what is going to replace this habit. And last but definitely most important: How? What actions are going to make you change the habit?

Find an recent example of the habit you want to change, describe it. Re-read it, again. Now write a fictional story on how you would have wanted the story to go. Don’t get to carried away tough, riding a unicorn into battle to safe the virgins to replace speaking up to your manager might be a bit hard to achieve. Happy with your fictional work? Good. Now break it down to simple actions. Changes are that it might seems like a world of change, but when you break it down to actions you’ll notice it will require very little change of behaviour.  Write these things down.

Now look at what you’ve just written. That’s your plan of attack. I’m proud of you.

You are now aware of your habits.
You’ve identified your weaknesses (non-chosen habits).
From these habits you’ve picked the ones you want to change.
You’ve stated the desired behaviour.
And narrowed that behaviour down to simple actions.
This, is how you change you’re lifestyle.
his, is how you defeat the great big grey blub.

Alright, that’s it. My moment of clarity.
I’d like to hear your take on this!

Have a good one!

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