Starting and finishing

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 Post subject: Starting and finishing
PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 11:37 am 
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Hi there,

I've never posted anything before so I'll talk a little bit about myself so you can understand my problem a bit better.

I'm an average 20 yr old with social anxiety, on and off depression, a theatre/improv background and a major problem with low self esteem! I was addicted to hard drugs for 2 years because they helped me run away from my problems. When I was high I was the guy I wanted to be. No social anxiety. Confident. Genuine. But with drugs obviously comes dependence. It was taking more and more to get the same feeling and when I was sober all the problems I ran from came back ten fold.

I'm back on track a year and a half now but can't keep living the way I did. I want to do something about my social anxiety! I want to be able to talk to my family, friends, Co workers, strangers normally without getting stuck in my head.

Starting and finishing

I've started a lot of things but never follow through. I was hoping writing might push me to continue. I'll be posting the events of yesterday night later today when I get some more free time.

If you're reading this Nice to meet you! Hope we can get along. I'm sure we'll get to know each other as we move forward.


PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 7:36 pm 
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So I've been out before but not like last night. Usually I'd say "let's go pick up chick's" but this time I said "let's go meet new people." Unlike usual I ended up going solo. It was planned but my last minute nerves had me inviting people to come. No one was available.

This is what happened. This post is looooong seriously. But I think it really shows where I'm starting from. Obviously from now on they won't be so long but it helps you to get to know me (so you can possibly give me some input) and for me to deconstruct my first night out.

Got downtown at about 930 pm. Sang along to my favorite songs on the way down to hype myself up. The fact that I woke up at 5am wasn't helping but my mental state was a 6/10. I knew I wanted to just start talking to people right away to get into a more social mood, so I made a goal. I wasn't going to go home until I talked to 3 guys and 3 girls. The goal was to get me talking so I could escalate into bigger goal in the future. I had no clue how much of a roller coaster of emotion I was in for that night.

My town was having a festival so there was an out door concert going on. I decided to check it out. On my way I asked a few people what band was playing but no one knew.

This is when I met Todd! A guy in his 30s friendly we spoke for 5 mins and proceeded to watch the concert in between song we'd talk about the band. I felt awkward watching just standing there but at least I wasn't feeling awkward talking to Todd since he was very genuine or because he was fairly drunk for 945pm. Thanks to Todd knowing most of the performers one of the girls from the early show came to say hi.

I met Courtney hb 8.5 A cute red head around 25 holding her acoustic guitar. I introduced myself very naturally after she started talking to Todd. Actually to my surprise I wasn't very nervous maybe a little uncomfortable but definitely no where near what I thought I'd be feeling. We were all chatting together for 5 mins. Until the conversation started to put Todd at the butt of the jokes. I felt bad and withdrew. I knew I could out alpha Todd but I didn't want to. Maybe because one of my fears was being made fun of infront of women or maybe because he was to nice of a guy. She talked to Todd for another minute and ended up leaving. Todd told me he'd introduce me to the band that was playing when they finished. Maybe being nice had its benefits?

I went out for a smoke waiting for the concert to finish. I met Carter a 45 year old man. We talked about the festival and the band's that'd be playing the next few days. 5 mins into are chat the band finished and we parted ways. I went to find Todd but couldn't. Didn't affect my mood I walked out of the concert feeling 7/10 ready to hit the strip.

Now is a good time to say I'm very intimidated by guys my age. They seem cool and sociable in my mind. As I left the concert I saw a group of 8 guys huddled together they looked my way. I was instantly in my head. "They're judging the way I dress" "they think I'm a lower walking all alone". FUCK. I'm scared. FUCK THAT. I strolled up and asked them what they were smoking. I wasn't going to let my fear consume me.

It was a cool wooden vape and low and behold the one holding it. The one I opened the conversation too. Was my junior from high school. My fear instantly vanished I talked to the 8 guys without any anxiousness. It was 1015pm so I didn't stay long I wanted to keep moving. I definitely hit my quota of guys so I wanted to head to the strip to meet some girls.

On my way a homeless man stopped me. I'm never scared talking to these types for some reason. I wonder if subconsciously I just feel above them? We talked about craft beer for 5 mins before I continued down the street. Finally I hit the strip at 1030pm 8/10 and ready to go!

I almost bumped into a group of 12 (9 guys 3 girls) they were speaking another language. It was French. Luckily I'm fluent so we started talking and I ended up showing them around downtown. 30 mins later we were all drinking in the back of the bar I got to know them. Military guys and there wives about my age. I found out one of them was another single guy so we decided we'd hit the club together. As we pay the venue fee the hottest was a definite 9 maybe if she wasn't covered in makeup a 9.5

We talked for 2 minutes just formal stuff. I wanted to check if anyone was inside yet it was about 11 o'clock. I regret not continuing the conversation. The club was empty at 11pm on a Friday night. I met an old high school senior who just started working there we talked and I grabbed his phone number in case he could get me into the viper section one day. I decided to grab a smoke, as I left I noticed the hostest was on her phone obviously bored.

I had my smoke all the while regretting not following the 3 second rule. I had to talk myself into it. I didn't want to ruin the night by stressing over the fact I couldn't approach her. Just do it! She was taking the venue fee from to girls infront of me all the while she kept looking over at me. I've been with plenty of girls before. I don't have a problem with being physical or eye contact or getting laid. I have a problem with loosing faith as you'll soon see. From I contact and her smile when I was about to talk I knew she at least found me attractive. Know I just needed to be my usual witty self to seal the deal.

Hb9 - hi!
Me - hey, do you know if my friends still here?
Hb9 - ummm (she looked in the club) I don't know I don't see him anywhere.
Me - oh well maybe he bailed? That's ok. (I hate myself............)
Hb9 - wait, didn't you to go over to the bar side together?
Me - I almost forgot! You're totally right.
Hb9 - haha no problem
(I stood there 2 seconds held I contact. She smiled. Now just say something else. Anything!)
Me- uh thanks I'll see you later.
(Not that you twat!)

And I Ejected just like so many times before that. I felt like shit! 3/10 and fading. Any tinder date or time I've been set up I've never not closed or built a good relationship but I noticed I was always alone with her away from others or I built interest over the phone to begin with. No cold starts like I'm attempting today.

I told my new Quebec friends I was gonna hit another bar and come back when the club started getting busier at 1130. It was 1115 and I had no intention of going to a bar. I was 2/10 and wanted to go home. I decided to go for a walk. Cool off. Get into a better state of mind. I took the long way to a convenience store I didn't want to see anyone. Fake a smile or give pleasantries with anyone. Had to reject a hooker but I knew she handed worse than me. I'm assuming but she was on a crack binge she needed help. But I wasn't in the mood to help others. I couldn't even help myself. On my way back I was 1/10 thinking how pathetic I was. "Know what this night needs?" I told myself "I should go sit in that abandoned parking lot in the dark like the lower I was." Sigh... I hate when I get like this. Because I followed my advice but it wasn't empty 5 guys were on one side of the garage taking pictures of the strip below.

I met the most alpha man I've ever seen. I talked to these guys about the pictures they were taking 10 minutes later I don't even think I got a word in. Rob the alpha man could talk for days not self conscious and passionate about national geographic. The conversation slowly become a bit more dynamic. I learnt more about these guys over the next 30 minutes. All ex cons recently released from jail trying to occupy there time so they didn't go back. It's at these times I don't know where my social anxiety goes. Maybe this world of drugs prostitution and convicts was just second nature now. I didn't feel unsafe with four 30 year old convicts in an empty parking garage. Actually I felt better here than on the strip or in the bars or clubs.

I left feeling better 4/10! I was going back I knew if I could talk to some more people I might just be able to salvage the night. On my way back I saw hb 7 and hb 8 crossing the street. They ended up right behind me. Normally I'm a slow walker usually laid back slow but I was walking fast. I didn't want them to pass me. I wasn't ready to talk to them, I was in my head. I was tripping over my own feet thinking about them walking behind me. I give up. I can't do it anymore.

I left to drive home and thought about everything that happened. I accomplished my goal but felt empty. I tried to think positive but I was to mentally exhausted. I could talk to people I knew and feel a little anxious but when talking to strangers I feel mentally exhausted. I had a headache, I wanted to be alone to recoup. Re energize. Just like an introvert I'd reached the point were I needed to re entree my comfort zone aka me alone with no social pressure just alone with a cigarette listening to my favorite music. Like comfort food almost.

Looking back I can't beleiver how much I've done on the first day. I should be happy!

I met 25 guys and 5 girls!

I held 30 conversations that night... holy shit look at me go mom! I'll going back out to the festival today maybe they'll be more local bands! Same goals 3 guys 3 girls. (Just to elaborate I don't count anyone I meet if it's just pleasantries. Get there name and know something about them or talk about something happening. Genuine conversation not robotic "hi how are you." "Good you?" "Good thanks for asking." "....Good.")

If anyone has any comments I'd love to hear it.


PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 7:16 pm 
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Attempt #2

Yesterday I decided I'd once again go out to my cities festival to go see some live music. I ended up going with my best friend and his girlfriend. They knew my goal was to talk to 3 guys and 3 girls. However they know me as being good with strangers so they thought I'd be done in no time. Oh how wrong they were! I don't know if it's because I was drinking but we got there at 430pm and left at 1230am.

Most of the night went like this "I'll start after we do (this)." They're more I did it and yes I knew exactly what I was doing. I just couldn't stop. I was avoiding it and every time I pushed it back further it was harder to start.

By the end of the night I was panicking knowing I had to do it or we couldn't leave. I'd walk down the street and pass right by everyone. My mouth wouldn't open and my legs didn't want to stop.

When I came back to tell my friends they were already waiting for me.

F - hey ready to go?
Me - no I still have to talk to people before we can go.
Gf - didn't you finish that like 4 hours ago?
Me - what? I was with you two all afternoon.
F - well there's the Ballon girl, the married couple at the concert, and the hostest at the club?
Gf - plus your rehab friends you Met? That's 3 guys and 3 girls right?

Honestly I wasn't even considering them as conversations. I was stressing out all night as my friends thought I was done. I thought about for a second and decided to pack it up. I was tired from stressing out all night.

Ballon lady taught me how to fold balloons. We talked for 30 minutes since she wasn't busy.

We all sand bon jovi songs together with an old married couple. They taught us the words so we could scream it with the rest of them.

My 2 rehab friends I haven't seen in a year so we ended up catching up for a few minutes.

The hostest was just getting ready to start when we got to the club. We talked as she was getting ready. I wasn't going to use her as one of my conversations I was just being friendly. She ended up letting my friends girlfriend in for free and we got some drink cards.

The night wasn't horrible. I still want to get used to talking to girls my age. Only one of them was remotely near it for this round. I'm going to think of some short/long term smart goals and post them.

For now I'm right outside the library writing this. I'm about to pick up a book called "the six pillars of self esteem" by Nathaniel Branden.


PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 8:29 pm 
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Try and avoid going out as a 3rd wheel is my advice. As they are a couple they will often dictate timings etc, as they did with you, thus prevent you from gaming. My old best friend is now more of an acquaintance as I realised I was better meeting other single friends to go out with and had more success. I approached lots on Saturday night and have a couple dates lined up. That would never have happened if I was with a couple for the evening.

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 11:58 am 
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Try kiss closing instead of number closing. Look up the gunwitch method might help you out.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:57 am 
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You were basically me in my 1st year and a half into game (3 to 4 years ago). The mild to severe social anxiety & approach anxiety. All the state high highs and low lows. I had moments when my state dropped so low after non-stop blowouts at the end of a daygame or nightgame session, that i couldn't even mutter a single word to anyone. And if i took me alot of internal will power to muster up a full audible sentence. All i could do was walk home in shame afterwards. I also remember having had such high highs, that i felt like i was high on euphoria..even though i didn't drink any alcohol or smoke any weed that day or night. And all the girls that i approached while in that state (even the really hot ones) were very friendly to me, and those sets seemed to go very well. The difference was that most of those days & nights for me, was me going out alone. I didn't really have any friends to go out with to motivate me. Now i have several friends that i can go out with & motivate me (not that i even need it really..but it is nice to have that now). In's a real blessing to see how far i've come since then. And i'm still learning and growing! Lol


LEARNING GAME IS LAME!..Right up until the point when you will eventually see a hot girl standing or sitting right in front of you. In that will wish that you had learned game!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 4:42 pm 
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Ok read my book and read up on gunwitch method I'll try it out once I get warmed up thanks everyone for the advice I'm gonna try and be a bit more active here. Also I don't have much time so I'm just gonna post slightly edited notes that I take during the night.

"Goal last night: talk to 3 girls. No ejecting. the whole "make the hoe say no"

Stay in till the end

- Still feel weird going out alone it's only the second time so I guess that's to be expected unfortunately I don't have any single friends and my brothers still hesitant to come out but eventually it'll happen.

- For now I'm gonna try and get pumped let's get er going!!!

- OK met 20 dudes don't know how I meet these big groups but fuck it were having a good time! Don't think they wanna meet girls but it's nice mood lift and good way to start getting in a sociable state of mind.

- Met Jason while I was smoking. I wanted to keep talking to random people. He thought i was fucking with him and he wanted to fight... at least it didn't kill my mood so I just kept powering through.

- Met a few more people outside they were nice I'm 7 out of 10. I'll be honest Jason left me a bit phased but now I'm good. Good people = a good time.

- I was about to give up. The clubs were dead and I knew theyd get packed in 30 mins. Before I walked away though I realized I could keep making excuses!!! Imma try try again!

- OK meet hb 8.5 wearing a birthday pin.
Me- happy birthday
Hb8.5- thanks

I walked away.... so at this point I had a little fight in my head. I didn't want to keep doing the same thing I've always done. If I never make a move nothings going to happen. I want to change and if I want to change I need to do something different. I re approach.

Me - hey do you wanna play Jenga?
Hb8.5 - ya!

It was that easy? This whole time I've been making it out to be this giant ordeal. And it was that easy???? We played for a bit, talking and making jokes. We made a bet on the game and when we were done we moved to the bar. We did her first official shot at a bar together.she wanted to find her friends so I number closed her and let her go.

- I wasn't thinking about gunwitch or anything but I think it was a good move considering logistics.

- Met a few more girls outside the club as I was smoking. We talked then they just turnt around and left. I was rejected. But not dejected! Maybe it was because I already got a number or maybe I honestly didn't care. I've been thinking about abundance theory recently. There are so many girls to talk to so why get caught up on someone who doesn't want to talk to you?

- I got rejected again because she had a boyfriend or maybe she didn't? Don't matter to me

- decided to leave since I have stuff to do in the morning. If I can keep going out like this and approach girls until it becomes a lot more natural I think I'll be miles ahead of my first night out.

For now I'm going to a mixer tonight. Going to try gunwitch method as best as I can.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:23 am 
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If you read my post..i always talk about plowing and i plow sets myself. But i only try to plow hot girl sets HB8 or above. Now if she is a 7 or maybe even a 6..i might plow that set if she is a "maybe girl" or a "yes girl" and i think that i might have a shot at fucking her. Now since i've gotten alot better at screening..most times when i'm doing my 2 hour sessions 4 days a week..i shorten my interactions if the girls aren't compliant to my verbal, non-verbal or kino tests. And i plow the sets that are responding to my test, and then i'll try to progress it to an insta-date or a number close.


LEARNING GAME IS LAME!..Right up until the point when you will eventually see a hot girl standing or sitting right in front of you. In that will wish that you had learned game!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:06 pm 
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Ok! One hell of a week this week but progress was made and new things have been learned!

After a honestly amazing tinder date I started questioning really why I sucked at cold approaches and maybe I was making to much of a fuss. Aka I went back to my comfort zone of online dating. Line up 4 dates Monday through Thursday but kept Friday and Saturday open to go out because I still had a small drive to continue trying IRL PU.

Went on all 4 dates got laid 3 times and on the 4th she looked nothing like her pictures she was a 3 and I realized why I wanted to start PU all over again. These girls weren't overly my type 6s~7s I just fucked them because I could. Except the 4th one I fucking ran as fast as I could haha

So Thursday night I deleted tinder. Sure I can get laid on the regular but it's not with the 8s or 9s I want. I've never met a 10 but I'm sure we can all agree well never met any on tinder. So I've forced myself to meet girls IRL if I want to get laid. It's been 3 days so far and I can definitely say I've improved I think it was mystery who said use your sex drive as motivation?

So Friday I did the same shit as always. Didn't talk to any girls like a little bitch but did meet and talk to a few guys. Which was my first goal in my first post. So I'm gonna keep doing that but I'm no longer going easy on myself! My Dickson lively hood is now at stake!!!

Saturday I started the 30 day challenge from the social anxiety board so I went out saying hi to EVERYONE. Didn't matter who.

Now with added motivation I thought up a game. I'm sure people have already done this but the game for Saturday night was my friend would point and I would go talk to however he pointed at. My friend being who he is pointed at every group of 9s he could find and out of 20 approaches I failed only 1. I genuinely had a good time and got to talk to and or rejected by girls who normally I would have walked right by.

So there we go 3 weeks ago I was scared to talk to people my own age and today I've started to talk to girls I actually find attractive. This'll all take time and I'm gonna keep going. I ended up playing the game alone half way through the night since he got to drunk to keep playing. See a pretty girl "3...2...1...GO" approach. I'm gonna keep doing this and the 30 day challenge until I see any more improvement or start seeing where I'm going wrong. Obviously as this goes on and I can start seeing the "patterns" in my failed attempts I'll be asking questions.

I feel like yesterday was the real start and I'm ready to continue :)

- LC

PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:49 pm 
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I just want to salute you as a veteran member of the forum and encouraging you to keep going forward.

Tinder can become a drug though, and create dependency very easily. Cause you can order a girl up the same way you can order up a pizza on Seamless. The thing is though, when you're relying on online dating, you never actually develop your social skill set at the same level as a guy who's truly getting out there in the field and making things happen. This just something about overcoming anxiety and adversity and "doing it anyway" that swiping right and left on women to get laid doesn't compensate for.

If you wanna be a GOD at this, you better get out the house and talk. Theres nothing wrong with tinder as a whole, you just gotta balance it with realtime approaches. The tinder girls usually turn out to be pretty average in person as well.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:21 am 
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Ok! One hell of a week this week but progress was made and new things have been learned!

After a honestly amazing tinder date I started questioning really why I sucked at cold approaches and maybe I was making to much of a fuss. Aka I went back to my comfort zone of online dating. Line up 4 dates Monday through Thursday but kept Friday and Saturday open to go out because I still had a small drive to continue trying IRL PU.

Went on all 4 dates got laid 3 times and on the 4th she looked nothing like her pictures she was a 3 and I realized why I wanted to start PU all over again. These girls weren't overly my type 6s~7s I just fucked them because I could. Except the 4th one I fucking ran as fast as I could haha

So Thursday night I deleted tinder. Sure I can get laid on the regular but it's not with the 8s or 9s I want. I've never met a 10 but I'm sure we can all agree well never met any on tinder. So I've forced myself to meet girls IRL if I want to get laid. It's been 3 days so far and I can definitely say I've improved I think it was mystery who said use your sex drive as motivation?

So Friday I did the same shit as always. Didn't talk to any girls like a little bitch but did meet and talk to a few guys. Which was my first goal in my first post. So I'm gonna keep doing that but I'm no longer going easy on myself! My Dickson lively hood is now at stake!!!

Saturday I started the 30 day challenge from the social anxiety board so I went out saying hi to EVERYONE. Didn't matter who.

Now with added motivation I thought up a game. I'm sure people have already done this but the game for Saturday night was my friend would point and I would go talk to however he pointed at. My friend being who he is pointed at every group of 9s he could find and out of 20 approaches I failed only 1. I genuinely had a good time and got to talk to and or rejected by girls who normally I would have walked right by.

So there we go 3 weeks ago I was scared to talk to people my own age and today I've started to talk to girls I actually find attractive. This'll all take time and I'm gonna keep going. I ended up playing the game alone half way through the night since he got to drunk to keep playing. See a pretty girl "3...2...1...GO" approach. I'm gonna keep doing this and the 30 day challenge until I see any more improvement or start seeing where I'm going wrong. Obviously as this goes on and I can start seeing the "patterns" in my failed attempts I'll be asking questions.

I feel like yesterday was the real start and I'm ready to continue :)

- LC
That is awesome dude!!! It's all about the little victories, one small step at a time, that leads to the big victories. I had 2 lays on back to back days from cold approach one week, but never 3 successful bangs in a week. Not even from online dating. Much props to you bro!!!


LEARNING GAME IS LAME!..Right up until the point when you will eventually see a hot girl standing or sitting right in front of you. In that will wish that you had learned game!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:58 pm 
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Ok I'm back for an update!

I've found a summer fling and we're meeting up most Fridays. Basically I've only been going out on Saturdays. I've noticed I'm approaching a lot more which is good! I'm still rough around the edges but I got my first Kiss close yesterday night.

Saw Hb 7.5 on the phone looking at me. I picked up my phone and pointed at it as if saying "are you calling me?"

Me - You know you don't have to call me if I'm right in front of you.

Hb - I'm not! (Laughs)

Me - you're the kind of girl who'd text hey to someone they're sitting right next to aren't you?

Hb - Nooooo! I don't even have your number how would I text you?

Me - here I'll put it in my phones dead.

Hb - I can't right now I'm talking to my friend.

Me - tell her you have something super important to do and you'll call her back.

Hb - omg haha she can hear you you know!

Me - (talking into the phone) hey sorry but your friend just met this super hot guy so she's gonna have to call you back.

Hb - (while hanging up on her friend) I don't even know your name!

Introduces ourselves

Hb - OK so what's your number?

I typed it in

Hb - how will I know this is even your real number?

Me - you're right. This is actually the fake number I've been giving to all the pretty girls tonight.

Hb - all of them??? I need something real!

Me - real? I can do that.

We started making out.

Me - so you're gonna text me at 2 am and I'm going to bring you to this after party I'm going to.

Hb - OK! I'll text you in tonight

We start making out again and then she wanders off. Not bad! Except she called me during the interaction so I'd have her number. Except I punched in the wrong number by accident.... so I guess I wasn't lying when I said it was a fake number :P

Nothing else major happened that night.

I'm headed out back to Toronto next weekend to hit up a club with a PUA I met online here. It's the first time I'll be going out with someone who's actually interested in picking up chick's. Hopefully I'll learn a thing or two.

- LC

PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:21 am 
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That's amazing man!! You're coming off of getting 3 lays in a week from online dating, but you're just now getting your 1st kiss close in the field. The good thing about pickup can get laid at any point in time during your learning & development..even as a beginner. My 1st kiss close from night game was about 2 years ago.

On a side note - My game has unfortunately taken a bit of a dip as of late. It's probably because i hit a plateau in my game. In general, i also believe that major changes in your life can play a factor for this happening to your game. I usually hit a plateau in my game every few months (about every 3 to 4 months), until i eventually figure out how to break through that wall/sticking point. It's always a difficult challenge, and never ever easy to do.


LEARNING GAME IS LAME!..Right up until the point when you will eventually see a hot girl standing or sitting right in front of you. In that will wish that you had learned game!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 11:28 pm 
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So I've got a few hours to kill before I go out tonight. Just wanted to let everyone know I do read the comments and they do help! If it's motivation or tips I really do appreciate it.

Now I've got a question :P

What do you normally do for pre-game?

I've got 2 hours to kill so I've reread my journal just to see how far I've come. I think it's been a little over a month since I started. No longer stressing out about going out. Actually I'm excited to go try new stuff it's really become more of an adventure at this point! Seeing myself move forward little by little has got me super motivated. I wanna go out more and more so if anyone wants to go out and lives near toronto or up north PM me!!!

I'm headed out tonight for Canada day woot woot with a wing I met on here so I'm sure I'll have a new report for tomorrow.

- LC

PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:05 pm 
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I feel like I just took a massive step forward. I didn't get any big action but my mentality was amazing yesterday.

So I got to Toronto at 9pm to meet the wingman I met online. Except I never heard from him :P so here I am an hour away from home in a city I barely know all alone. From 9 until 10 I just drove around hoping I'd hear from him. Nothing. I'm being a little bitch trying to make excuses not to park my car but I realize what I'm doing. Finally park somewhere and we can get this night going.

For a full hour I'm just trying to get into state. Just asking people where the night life is/ What they were doing. No expectations just 10 to 30 second conversations. When I got to the club I immediately made 2 groups of friends and was talking to anyone I passed by either making jokes or just commenting on something.

When I got into the club I open 3 sets right away. Didn't leave anytime in between interactions got blown out once and decided to leave and come back for the other 2 later.

When I say I was in state I mean I was in state I met 20 some people in 30 minutes guys and girls. By the end of the night I couldn't walk 5 steps without someone saying "LC!" And start talking to me. If I saw a set I liked I opened. Met half the staff at the club and they'd ask me if I knew anyone who wanted booths. I felt like the man. Everyone I had met where offering me drinks people were introducing me to their friends. If I didn't have to drive I could have been plastered for free.

BUT. I only got 3 numbers in 3 hours. I could have gotten a few more but I wasn't interested. I could have made out with some 6s or 7s I met but I just wasn't. That's the next road block I faced. Not matter how social I was and how many people approached me I couldn't FINISH! Which was disappointing:( I was always in the moment but I was taking that last step. Hopefully someone has some advice for that.

It's 130 am the clubs packed and I as always I feel uncomfortable when it's overly packed so I head out.

I fucking love street game! I wasn't done yet I had 6 blocks to walk to my car and I approached every girl without a second thought approached a three set buying street meat got a hb 8s number and they bought me 2 hotdogs. Keep walking until I met someone who really pushed me.

Jenna. 32 yo Hb 8.5

Approached her on the street with a playful compliment followed by a few negs. A lot of Kino which she liked. She wanted to go to an after hours club and me being someone who genuinely loves adventure I was down. Except it was half way across the city and she wanted me to pay the cab and the cover... umm no. After refusing I had to play catch Up and here's where I learnt the most valuable lesson of the night.

Stand your ground!

We continued talking and some kino but she was walking away. I knew she was interested so everytime she started to walk away on her own I stopped and stood there. She'd slow down and look at me then walk back like a good little girl. She denied the kiss twice. Each time she start to walk away or pull me I wouldn't move forcing her to come back to me until finally I got the K close. Logistics weren't good so I grab her number and told her she was going to wingman me next weekend. She was down and from the way she triple checked to make sure her number was right and texted herself I'm think she might become my first lay from IRL pickup and a good pivot for the future.

What'd I learn?

- it's not that people want to buy me stuff it's that they're actually good people. If you bring something to their night IE good conversation they'll treat you good

- open open open build momentum get numbers on your side. She's not interested? Perfect she just became a pivot. Whenever I met someone new I could lead her to other girls build social proof and move forward

- DON'T CHASE! I felt like the man if she wants to leave she can go. If not she follows me. Don't jump through hoops!

- I need to either plow my sets or pay more attention for K close opportunities. So much could have happened if I just went for it.

Another long as post :/ but between this post and my first post I think it's well deserved. My first post was all about AA while this post showed that's no longer my issue now I need to figure out Mid game who know maybe once I get mid game down I'll have another long ass post getting ready to takle end game.

- LC

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