PUA Forum

Hot childhood fren (15 years) need help
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Author:  nahuk82 [ Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Hot childhood fren (15 years) need help

hi, my childhood fren, just texted me in facebook, (the last i saw her was about 15 years ago)...she is not located in another state and is a HB 9, working as a flight attendant. but she regularly come down here. Now i am gonna meet her after so long (we did have alot of memories together)
What do i do, cause i really wanna get hooked up with her, or maybe just sleep with her

Author:  kismet [ Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:25 am ]
Post subject: 

first off, believe in yourself. obviously you came here looking for an answer hoping that some mPUA would be able to give you a page response that you could follow it step-by-step and nail the girl. If you havn't done any research, i'd recommend checking out some of the basic stuff that will instantly help your game....such as... basic body language, posture n such. display confidence through your body language. chest up, shoulders back & down, head up, smile, but simultaneously look relaxed. maintain eye contact (not all creepy like, dont stare) etc..

verbal game can be extensive and there are sooo many methods, but just because you havn't had time for research doesn't mean there is nothing you can learn right now. just remember, when your talking only 10% of your overall message is what you say. 10%! thats nothing. words can definitely help game, but they don't make it. It's all about tonality and body language. Two things easily improved simply by reading...even here on the boards.. speak with confidence, look confident, more importantly believe you have no insecurity. if you have one, think whatever you have to to change your mind. BE CONFIDENT.

without specific details about the exact situation or on the girl herself, it's hard to give much better advice than that. but one reply is better than none. good luck.

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